Welcome at Brandkamp young plants

We provide you with our 60 years of experience in the young plant production and in breeding the basis for your cultural success.
Our product ranges are checked for you on your suitability and market suitability conscientiously. Innovative ideas in breeding and product concepts round off the perfect selection for you.

Beddingplants 2024/25

Beddingplants 2024/2025
Beddingplants Catalog 2024/25

Chrysanthemums 2024

Chrysanthemum 2024

Chrysanthemum Trial for 2023

Brandkamp young plants has stood for quality and innovation for over 60 years.
Every year we carefully evaluate our new varieties and revise our program in order to put together the perfect range for you.
In our video we take you to our breeding department. Click the image! and see how colorful it is with us every autumn at the chrysanthemum trial.

